Lunchtime Snack Salad w/Peppered Mackerel & Soft Boiled St Ewe Eggs
A Quick & Super Nutritious Lunchtime Snack Salad
  1. Bring a pan of water to boil, enough to totally cover the eggs. Once the water is simmering steadily, add the eggs in and cook for 4 minutes 30 seconds.
  2. Chop the veggies into bite size pieces.
  3. Break apart the mackerel fillets gently and season with some cracked peppercorns.
  4. Once the eggs are finished cooking, run them under some cold water to stop the heat from the water over cooking them. (For a harder yolk, add another 90 seconds onto the cooking time)
  5. Peel the eggs and cut the them in half and pop them on the plate with the veggies. Season with some cracked pepper and Cornish Sea Salt.
  6. Serve with a cup of herbal tea. We’ve gone for an alkalising tea with a spring of fresh rosemary from the garden.