Are Posh Eggs Worth The Cost?

July 6 2021

Did you see that our little company made it into the national newspapers last weekend, as we secured a wonderful inclusion in the Saturday Times?

Tony Turnball opens up the debate on are ‘posh eggs’ worth the cost? This coming to the fore with egg sales rising by 20% on pre-pandemic levels to 22million a day in the UK.

As a nation, you lovely lot sure do love your eggs and you won’t scrimp on quality and welfare either which makes us beam from ear to ear!

The debate rumbled on and the subject of shell colour also came into play.

What many do not realise is that the breed of hen dictates the colour of the shell and is not an indication of flavour, this is all down to the wellbeing of the hen and the quality of the feed she eats; and this is an expensive business!

“It’s what’s on the inside that counts because you don;t eat the shell. Nutrition is everything. If you have a well-fed hen, you are going to have a beautiful egg” Rebecca Tonks, St Ewe CEO & Farmer. 

To read the full article please CLICK HERE.