A healthier alternative to the classic fry up. Swapping out bacon for golden brown oozy halloumi. Using some seasonal greens to add a spring to your step for the day ahead. This is a great one to mix up through the year, I’ve used asparagus, but you can use spinach, chard, spring greens, tender stem broccoli, go wild! Beetroots are also really good here.
  • Serves: 6-8



  1. Pre heat the oven to 200. Start by cooking the potatoes first. Place a medium pan of salted water on to boil. Whilst waiting, cut your potatoes in half. When the water is bubbling away add the potatoes, cook for around 10 mins or until you can put a knife through them easily. Drain them in a sive place to one side. Then in a baking tray add a generous amount of olive oil, cornish seasalt, a few sprigs of rosemary, then place in the oven to get nice and hot. After 5 mins take out the oven. Add potatoes to the hot tray - be careful here because they can spit. Whack in the oven to get them nice and crispy. Your looking around the 25-30 min mark or until they are golden brown.
  2. Grab a large baking tray. Place your tomatoes on one side, drizzle over a good amount of olive oil, salt & pepper. Place your mushrooms on the other side of tray, with some thinly sliced garlic, sprinkle of fresh rosemary, knob of butter. Roast in the oven for 15 mins.
  3. Slice your ripe avocados in half and scoop out all the green into a a bowl, add some chopped coriander, generous amount of seasalt, chilli flakes to your desired heat, some zest & juice of 1 lime. Set aside.
  4. Halloumi time. Pour a very generous glug of rapeseed oil into a medium sized frying pan so it covers the bottom. Slice your halloumi in big chunks and add to the pan when smoking hot. Don’t overcrowd the pan, Work in batches if easier. As the slabs begin to cook take a spoon and cover the halloumi in the oil. This will turn the halloumi into a gorgeous golden colour, crispy on the outside, gooey in the middle. Once cooked set aside and keep warm.
  5. When halloumi is cooked, Whack some seasonal veggies into the saucepan and cook until they are nice and hot with some charr to them.
  6. In a clean small saucepan, heat up a generous amount of rapeseed oil until hot, whisk together the eggs until they are a golden colour, insuring the yolks and whites are well mixed. Add to the pan, turn the heat down low. The eggs should bubble and look almost like a omelette. With a rubber spatula go around the outside, twirl the pan so the raw mixture touches the pan keep doing this until cooked.
  7. Get your bread toasting, spread with generous amount of salted butter.
  8. Now compile time, I like serving mine on a huge Nonna styler platter. Pile it up high, garnish with any fresh herbs & dig in.