My favourite thing to have on a lazy morning or even a cheeky dinner, especially after a few wines the night before is a fry up. Nothing else hits the spot more. Really show off with this proper Full English on a huge sharing board to tuck in with friends of family. Go big or go back to bed.
  • Serves: 6-8


  1. Pre heat the oven to 180. Start by cooking the sausages first. The key is to cook them low and slow in the oven to get the maximum flavour out of them. Your looking around the 25-30 min mark. As the sausages begin to brown, and all the juices are oozing, add your bacon to the baking tray with some neutral oil (I like rapeseed) until the bacon and nice and crispy. We want no rubbery bacon here - crispy is the only way.
  2. When the meaty bits have been cooking for 10 mins, chuck your hash brown in a tray, with a glug of rapeseed oil and salt, toss them up so all coated, cook for 20 mins or until golden brown.
  3. Grab a large baking tray. Cut your tomatoes in half and place on one side, drizzle over a good amount of olive oil, salt & pepper. Place your portobello mushrooms whole on the other side of tray, with some thinly sliced garlic, sprinkle of fresh rosemary, knob of butter. Roast in the oven for 15-20 mins.
  4. Egg Time. Pour a very generous glug of rapeseed oil into a frying pan so it covers the bottom and crack your eggs in. As they begin to cook take a spoon and cover the eggs in the oil. Once cooked set aside and keep warm.
  5. Time for the beans. Whack them into a saucepan and cook until they are nice and hot.
  6. Get your bread toasting, spread with generous amount of salted butter.
  7. Now compile time, I like serving mine on a huge wooden chopping board or a huge platter works here too. Pile it up high, the key here is that more is more, so no one goes hungry! Serving it this way is easier for sharing than plating up individual plates - then everyone can choose what they like - great for the fussy ones.
  8. TIP. With fry ups its all about the timings, for ease I chuck everything in the oven on trays (apart from the eggs & beans) to save mess.